…queer as in we know what it means to be systematically excluded.
Do your computers dead-name your employees, students, or users? . . . Do you know?
Remy consults with organizations to ensure that various computer systems appropriately address their transgender community members (and other people whose have changed their names!).
Many sources of law require organizations to consistently address community members by names that don’t actively trigger traumatic stress, out them as transgender, or just otherwise make them upset to hear (this seems reasonable to us). Unfortunately, because of the complicated web of technological systems that builds up over the life of an organization, it can be difficult if not impossible for an organization to appropriately address these issues as they actually arise. People can be stuck in the absurd situation where their names appear in seven different ways in twelve different places, with seemingly no rhyme or reason to which name appears where.
That’s where we come in.
We can sort out where your data systems reference name data and either re-work the sourcing or prepare guidance documents to add to your relevant gender transition, marriage name change, and other policies.